
Passionate Front End Developer with a talent for creating robust websites and applications that align with customer goals.


• JavaScript, React, Next.js, Typescript
• Tailwind, Sass
• MongoDB, Prisma, Express.js


• Developed user-facing web pages using React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, and JavaScript

• Developed a Money Budget App. Created a form for adding invoices, allowing selection of multiple users. Improved family budget tracking by enabling recording of expenses for multiple family members.

• Created a weather application. Fixed incorrect city searches with the same names in different countries using OpenWeatherAPI and GeoDB, allowing users to choose between cities with identical names across different continents

• Developed a tomato clock. Used useReducer instead of useState, reducing code complexity and improving performance by providing better state accessibility. Added audio elements and accessed them using useRef to enhance the user experience. Implemented logic allowing users to set their desired work intervals and breaks.

• Integrated front-end code with server-side code to create dynamic and interactive web pages

I speak English, Polish and Ukrainian, and I will be glad to work with you in any of these languages!

Take a look at my CV


Here some of my certificates

bfei certificate

BFEI college certificate

softserve certificate

SoftServe HTML/CSS/JavaScript certificate

sololearn certificate

Sololearn - JavaScript Intermediate

sololearn certificate

Sololearn - JavaScript

Freecodecamp certificate

Freecodecamp - Responsive web design

Freecodecamp certificate

Freecodecamp - JavaScript Algorithms